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Catalogue > For Ceramics and sculptors > Lead free glazes > Amaco glazes TL-1 Texturizer 1kg (472ml)

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Amaco glazes TL-1 Texturizer 1kg (472ml)

Weight0.800 Kg.
In Stock2
Category:Lead free glazes
Price: € 14.90

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Direction: Shake and stir well berofe using. Thin with water if needed, or to improve brushability, add  AMACO® Gum Soliution. Apply 1 or 2 brush coats over any Cone 05 glaze to create texture.  
Request Material Safety Data Sheets when using in manufacturing. Tableware producers must test all finished ware to establish dinnerware status, due to possible variation in firing temperature and contamination.
Dinnerware Safe,  non- toxic


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