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Catalogue > Paints > Water colours > Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolour 1/2 pan

Winsor & Newton Cotman watercolour 1/2 pan

Category:Water colours
Trademark:Winsor & Newton
Price: From€ 2.40

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Cotman Watercolour Half Pans are produced by Winsor & Newton, possessing all the high brand quality you would expect but at an affordable price.

Cotman Watercolour Half Pans are available in 40 standard colours and new for 2022, 8 metallic watercolours that add iridescence to your colour. The new metallic colours can be used either mixed with watercolours or
added as an iridescent layer over colour. All Cotman colours offer high levels of permanency, good transparancy and superb tinting strength. 

These half pans are an ideal product for any watercolour enthusiast looking for quality and affordability but we would particularly recommend them to students or those wishing to try watercolour painting for the first time.

We recommend that you use your Cotman Watercolour Half Pans with watercolour paper with a weight of at least 300gsm / 140lbs and for best results use watercolour brushes.

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Price: € 2.40
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Price: € 2.40
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